youth & children

• To proclaim the Good news of the Kingdom
• To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
• To respond to human need by loving service
• To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge

“Sunday Schools began as a church-sponsored initiative to teach children to read and write in the days before universal public education. When publicly funded schools superseded that initial purpose, churches seized the opportunity to reimagine Sunday Schools as vehicles for religious education, that is, for forming children into mature Christians who actively participate in the life of the Church.”  — Jon White, Episcopal Café website, May 2017

 Christian Education for children and youth at the Cathedral will be “reimagined” once normal operations are resumed, post pandemic.  A three-fold focus is envisioned – 1) encourage a life-long relationship with God; 2) establish a lifelong relationship with the Church as a spiritual home with emphasis on the Book of Common Prayer and Episcopal/Anglican traditions; 3) instill a sense of the church’s place in the community and the role of church members in the community with an emphasis on Christian centered relationships and outreach.