The St. luke’s pantry

2019 Christmas Luncheon for Pantry Patrons.

For I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. – Matthew 25:35

We are, essentially, a feeding church that seeks to uplift the needy and despaired by ensuring that they have balanced nourishment. 

The St. Luke’s Pantry is an essential Outreach Ministry of the Cathedral. The Pantry operates from the Cathedral Office and is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 11am to 2pm.

Beneficiaries of the Pantry register with the office and visit twice a month for assistance … bags of food and other necessary household items, as well as clothing. Homeless people also register to receive one bag per week. In addition to food items balanced between protein, carbohydrates, dairy, and vegetables, recipients are given hygiene items as needed as well as clothing and shoes when available.

All items distributed by the Pantry are donated by parishioners and friends of the Cathedral who either provide cash donations to use in purchasing staples or bring food to the office or worship services. Everyone is a volunteer for this ministry.

The pantry is open for accepting donations all weekdays from 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM. You can also bring your donation during Sunday services for the offertory. We are continually in need of donations.

We Believe:

  • The St. Luke’s Pantry is a program developed for the purpose of assisting the hungry and needy.
  • Everyone has inherent dignity and should be treated respectfully.
  • Everyone has a right to adequate food and nourishment.
  • God asks us to share their time, energy, and resources to help those less fortunate.
  • As followers of Christ, we carry out his mandates of love to God and others through these services to the poor.

The Cathedral accepts donations (monetary, food, and clothing) for this very worthwhile ministry. Please contact us by any of the following methods — filling out the form below, calling us at (507) 6703 – 4906, (507) 309 8660/8661 or emailing us at