Adult Bible Study

The St. Luke’s Bible Study Group meets every every Sunday from 9am until 9:40 am via Zoom until we can resume in person meetings in the Red Room adjacent to the Sanctuary. Everyone is invited to attend the lively discussions facilitated by members of the group. Please come share this special time with our St. Luke’s family.

The purpose of the Bible Study Group is to share the Word of God in ways that will strengthen the participants’ relationship with God through a deeper understanding of the Biblical text while, at the same time, enriching community bonds and commitment to the Cathedral. The focus of the discussion is always on the Gospel Reading appointed for that Sunday and is intended to enhance the understanding of the sermon that will be offered during the Service. Average attendance is between 12 to 15 congregants.  

Due to the current Pandemic. We have been meeting virtually via Zoom.



At the end of each Sunday’s 10 am worship service, our beloved Francis Wilson gives a short lesson in “Trivia mode” on a variety of topics, ranging from Bible Trivia, to feast day trivia to current events in the Episcopal Church and even more. These five or so lively and much enjoyed minutes are interactive and usually leave everyone with new information.