Past Events

There is always something going on at the Cathedral!

celebrating 100 years.

the GIRL’S HOME CONCERT Founded in 1920 as the Bella Vista Children’s Home, by Bishop James Craik Morris, the first Episcopal Bishop in Panama, the Fundación Hogar de Niñas de la Capital, or the Girls´ Home as it is more commonly known, is run by the Episcopal Church of Panamá.  Originally located in the Bella Vista…

The Feast of St. Francis of Assissi

The Feast of St. Francis of Assissi is on October 4th. Please remember to send photos of your pets to Nancy Ph# 6676-1952(Whatsapp) or by September 30, so that they can be blessed at our worship service that day. . Our pets to be blessed on Sunday

Sunday Worship Services

Recurring Event Until further notice, our Cathedral family worships together via Zoom at 10 am every Sunday. Please worship with us! Our wonderful bilingual (English/Spanish) service includes family and friends from all over the Western Hemisphere — North, Central, and South America! We use the Book of Common Prayer and are guided in our worship…

adult bible study

Sunday classes The St. Luke’s Bible Study Group meets every every Sunday from 9am until 9:40am via Zoom until we can resume in person meetings in the Red Room adjacent to the Sanctuary. Average attendance is between 12 to 15 congregants.  The focus of the discussion is always on the Gospel Reading appointed for that Sunday and is…