girl’s home

Fundación Hogar de Niñas de la Capital

Founded in 1920 as the Bella Vista Children’s Home,  by Bishop James Craik Morris, the first Episcopal Bishop in Panama, the Fundación Hogar de Niñas de la Capital, or the Girls´ Home as it is more commonly known, is run by the Episcopal Church of Panamá.  Originally located in the Bella Vista neighborhood of Panama City as the first institution of its kind in the Republic of Panama, today the Girls Home is located in the San Andres neighborhood of Las Cumbres, on the outskirts of the city.  In its early years, the home accommodated both boys and girls, preparing them for responsible and productive lives.  After 70 years in Bella Vista and more than 600 children later, the new home for girls in Los Andes was dedicated in 1996. 

At present, there are 18 girls, ages 5-18, living at the home.  The girls, from high risk and dysfunctional backgrounds and homes throughout the country, find a loving and caring environment at the home, one where their educational, physical, recreational and spiritual health are provided for.  In the home, the girls have roles to fulfill, school responsibilities to meet, and learn to look after themselves.  The older girls take on a responsibility for the younger girls and it is obvious to all who visit that the home is a family.

The Clergy-in-Charge of the Cathedral of St Luke is also Chaplain to the Girls Home, and provides spiritual activities and counseling for the girls on a regular basis.  Volunteers are welcome to become part of the Girl’s Home family as well.  Friends and members of the Cathedral have historically responded to the needs of the home, visiting there often to help with homework, English, chat and play games and the girls from the home are frequently at St Luke’s  for worship services.  Members of the Cathedral also organize outings for the girls, providing them with wholesome educational, cultural, social and physical experiences.

The Home is supported by voluntary donations, primarily from the Episcopal Church in Panama and other churches/locations, a subsidy from the Panamanian Government, organizations, individuals and private businesses.  They receive donations, both financial and in kind, that are deeply appreciated.  If you would like to contribute, please contact the Cathedral (507) 309-8660/8661 or (507) 6703-4906 to be put in touch with the Cathedral Liaison to the home, or contact them directly at (507) 268-4156.  You can also make a deposit to the home’s Banco General bank account, #04-19-99-626074-6, in the name of Fundacion Hogar de Niñas de la Capital.

See the home’s website,, for more information.